Our News items
New Reception Parents' Meetings from 2.20pm, by Mr & Nursery School
New Reception Parents' Meetings from 2.20pm, by Mr & Nursery School
Governing Body Meeting, by Mr & Nursery School
Swimming 6T Autumn Term 1, by Mr & Nursery School
Leavers' Assembly, by Mrs Leadley
Swap Shop, by Mr & Nursery School
PTA selling ice lollies after school on Friday 19th July, by Mr & Nursery School
Swap Shop, by Mr & Nursery School
Y6 Performance 6pm, by Mr & Nursery School
Y6 Performances 1.30pm, by Mrs Leadley
Polling Station 4th July, by Mr & Nursery School
The Whitby High School Transition Day, by Mrs Leadley
TEPCEC, by Mrs Leadley
Platinum Sports Mark, by Mr & Nursery School
Sports Day from 1pm (reception to Y6), by Mrs Leadley
Acorns Sporting Champions, by Mr & Nursery School
Parents Evenings, by Mrs Leadley
Parents' Evening for Years 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, by Mrs Leadley
Cake Sale - THANK YOU, by Mr & Nursery School
After School Clubs, by Mrs Leadley
Bingo, by Mrs Leadley
School Spider, by Mrs Leadley
PTA - The Friends of The Acorns Primary & Nursery School, by Mrs Leadley
PTA Bingo a Huge Success!, by Mrs Mclaren
School Attendance, by Mrs Mclaren